别尔哥罗德获俄超男排首胜 张景胤三局替补贡献1分_体育直播


2024-2025 season Russian Super League men's volleyball second round ended in the early morning of September 13th Beijing time. The Belgorod Lion's Head, where Chinese men's volleyball main attacker Zhang Jingyin plays, defeated Nizhny Novgorod 3-0 in their away game to win their first victory of the season. The scores of the three sets were 26-24, 25-21, and 25-22. Zhang Jingyin came off the bench in all three sets and contributed 1 point through blocking.

In the away match against Nizhny Novgorod, Belgorod Lion's Head still started with two secure-style main attackers, Xiaojie Xinxin and Malchenko. Zhang Jingyin came off the bench in all three sets, with 5 attacks, 2 errors, and 1 point through blocking. In addition, he received 4 perfect receptions with no errors, achieving a reception success rate and perfect reception rate of 25%.
